Friday, January 23, 2009

Contacting Your Legislators

Earlier today we received the email shared below from the offices of the Council for American Private Education (CAPE). As Catholic school administrators we were encouraged very quickly to inform our families about the importance of communicating the message with our Senators and members of the House of Representatives that independent and religious schools should be included in the economic stimulus package that Congress is drafting.

I encourage you to read the email and click on the link attached within the email to learn more. CAPE has also provided an easy way for you to share your opinion on this important matter with your Senator and members of Congress. It is important that our voice be heard and it be heard very quickly.

I appreciate all you do to help us fulfill our mission to provide excellence in faith formation and academics in a Christ-centered environment.

As always, your comments and insights are important to me. I can be reached via phone at 852-8028 and email at
God’s Peace!
Ken R. Rasp

We need you to convey to your Senators and members of the House of Representatives that independent and religious schools should be included in the economic stimulus package that Congress is currently drafting.

On January 15, 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 came before the House Appropriations Committee. Within the $825 proposed investment in the U.S. economy is a section that would target $14 billion dollars to spend on school modernization and repair projects that have a positive effect on the environment. Unfortunately, only public and charter schools are included in this proposed appropriation.

ASAP, please call or e-mail your members of Congress and urge them to include independent and religious schools in the economic stimulus package.

CAPE, the Council for American Private Education, has begun an advocacy effort on this issue on its website. Since this legislation is likely to move quickly through Congress, referring your school communities to the CAPE website is the most efficient way to reach legislators. CAPE has provided resources to explain the issue in more detail and has drafted a sample letter on its Capwiz software.

Please contact your legislators on this issue and try to create and advocacy effort among others. It is essential that the independent and religious school communities speak seek equitability and fairness as this new Congress and Administration begin their work.

Thank you for your efforts.

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