Thursday, August 27, 2009

Director's Corner - Swine Flu

Owensboro Catholic Schools has been working closely with the Green River District Health Department (GRDHD) in making preparations for the upcoming flu season. GRDHD works directly under the guidance of the Center for Disease Control, giving timely and accurate information to our community.

In addition to the seasonal flu, OCS is especially diligent in watching for symptoms of the H1N1 Flu, which is a strain of Type A Flu. Keeping your child safe and healthy while at school is a top priority. GRDHD informed us yesterday that we are seeing some cases of Type A Flu in our community and local school districts. All reported cases have been relatively mild to date. We have reports that several OCS students have been diagnosed with Type A Flu when evaluated and tested by their physician. While it is not definitely H1N1 Flu, we felt it important that you were aware of the situation so you can keep watch for flulike symptoms in your children.

H1N1 symptoms mimic the seasonal flu. Call your physician's office if you or your child has symptoms. Only your health care provider can determine if your symptoms warrant testing and treatment.Symptoms of Seasonal Flu & H1N1 Flu:
* Sudden onset of illness
* Fever (> 100 F)
* Chills
* Cough
* Lack of Appetite
* Weakness/lethargy

Other commonly reported symptoms include:
* Headache
* Sore throat
* Stuffy or runny nose
* Muscle aches
* Nausea/vomiting
* Diarrhea

OCS is on the forefront of preparing for actual or potential H1N1 cases in our schools. For weeks we have been planning and putting in place, measures to minimize germ exposure in the school setting with the goal of keeping our students, faculty, and staff illness free.

Here are some of the prevention techniques we are utilizing:
1. Educating and encouraging students, faculty, and staff to wash their hands frequently, especially before meals, after using the restroom, and after recess.
2. Each classroom and office has hand sanitizing gel present. All are encouraged to use the gel frequently throughout the day, such as when entering any classroom, cafeteria, computer lab, library, and music lab.
3. Each classroom has a supply of disinfecting wipes that are used to routinely sanitize commonly touched surfaces such as desks, tables, doorknobs, pencil sharpeners, computer & music keyboards, lunch PIN pads, etc.
4. We are encouraging and reminding all to cover their coughs and sneezes with their elbow or into a tissue.
5. Removing sick students from the classroom and sending sick students home right away if they show any flu-like symptoms. We ask that students stay home until fever-free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours.
6. Keeping our entire faculty & staff educated & updated.

For more information, visit one of the following websites: or

I appreciate all you do to help us fulfill our mission of excellence in Catholic faith formation and academics. As always, your comments and insights are important to me. I can be reached via phone at 852-8028 and email at

God's Peace!
Ken R. Rasp
OCS Director

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