Monday, August 8, 2011

Elementary K-3 Campus Reminders Week of August 8, 2011

School Starts Wednesday

The BIG Day is almost upon us! School starts this Wednesday, August 10. Remember that our day begins at 7:45, so have your child at school by 7:40 so they can get to class on time! The doors open at 7:00 AM.

Mark Your Calendar for the Following August Events:
August 24- 6:00 PM-Parent Curriculum Night- This is a night for parents only to come in and let the teacher talk to you about what you can expect in the upcoming school year. Please make other arrangements for children.

August 25- 9:00 AM- K-3 Campus Opening Mass-Come celebrate with us.

August 26- Free Dress Day

Just a reminder- students may wear their Faith in Education shirts with uniform pants, skirts, or shorts every Friday.

Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

With over 400 students being dropped off and picked up at the K-3 Campus each day, it is important that we have a specific routine for both morning and afternoon. Please review the following so we can safely get children into and out of the building each day. Thank you for your help.

Morning Drop Off
Car Riders may drop children out anywhere from the front door to the end of the building. Staff members will be there to supervise. Reminder that cars CAN go around busses parked at the end of the building- even if the STOP sign is out. We have special permission to do this in our parking lot ONLY. Students may enter the front door OR the side cafeteria door. Students who arrive before 7:30 will be directed to the cafeteria. School starts at 7:45. Please be on time!
Afternoon DismissalIn the afternoon, parents who pick up should get out of the car and walk up to the front row, so that children will easily find their ride.

For the first few weeks Kindergarten students will stay in the "coned" area until a parent or older sibling gets them. Younger siblings should NOT walk up to the school without adult supervision.

NO PETS are allowed in the parking lot during afternoon pick up. If you have a dog that rides with you to pick your child up- please leave the dog in the car.



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